Most of the day was spent researching my ankle issues, wandering aimlessly while experimenting with ankle issues, or sitting and contemplating ankle issues. The internet informed me that over-pronation can cause Achilles' tendonitis while running, so I tried exaggerated supination with that foot and found that it actually seemed to not aggravate anything. Hans, a triathlete, provided some helpful CBD muscle soreness cream (another reason he appreciated lack of government interference) and Calen gave me at least an hour of yoga instruction, so I felt pretty well taken care of.
I did make it to Thursday night music in the park, which featured a pretty good classic rock cover band that did well by Hendrix, Zepplin, Sabbath, and some other favorites. I failed to actually talk with anyone there because I was too shy to break into existing friend groups, and too slow to think of anything besides "Hi, I'm cycling across the country, what is Rawlins like?" -- which, in retrospect, probably would have worked just fine.
Calen was promoted to the huge bed for the night, and I went back to my couch. I can sleep anywhere, so I think she was way happier about the bed than I would have been. Being a yoga instructor, though, she's probably just happier than I am overall.
Here are some Calvin and Hobbes prints I really liked from Hans' wall. I used flash because I'm apparently not very smart:

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