Friday, July 22, 2016

'Merica Day 2.0 - Day 42: Boulder

I did nothing today, again. I think that's fair, considering that I don't get weekends. I got some groceries, charged all my devices, did laundry, repacked my bags, and generally recharged myself. It hasn't been that long since Fort Collins, but it was nice to take care of these things without being threatened by a yappy dog.

John went to the hospital today, finally. The diagnosis I wrote in yesterday's post was actually received today, along with the recommendation to visit a neurosurgeon immediately after getting home to NY. He has a neck brace now, which makes me much less anxious regardless of what it does for him.

Today I also had a long conversation about drugs and The Doors of Perception, essentially. I find no reason to believe in a god, but maybe that was just because I haven't experienced the loss of self and higher realizations brought on by DMT and, more commonly, LSD. There isn't much I could say to things I haven't experienced, but I feel that when dealing with drugs, the feeling of truth has to be separated from any conscious decision to accept something as true. Psychoactives alter perception of reality, so it doesn't seem like a stretch to say that they could force things to "feel true" regardless of reality. Anyway, that discussion went where similar discussions tend to go: nowhere. Like me, today!

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