Saturday, June 4, 2016

Day 2: Beaverton to Rowena

This day was pretty great. Immediately after starting, the sky opened up and I pulled all my rain gear out from the bottom of my pack. Not the most pleasant, but like before, I was encouraged to know that I can deal with it. I found a fruit stand along old highway 30 in the Columbia gorge, bought a magic marionberry pie that made the sky clear up, and continued on pretty much as far as I could. I didn't really have a plan for where I'd stay, so I ended up camping in a hidden spot near Rowena. Downside of this spot: had to stay hidden, lots of thistles, frequent noisy trains. Upside: free!

I tried taking some pictures of the gorge, but like Tillamook, nothing I could shoot would be unique - I was just one of several thousand that probably photographed everything I saw that day. The one exception is this little tree that bravely stood up to a landslide: 

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