Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Desensitized to pretty things - Day 27, Canyon Village to Grant's Village, Yellowstone

Woke up and left late again with Hamish and Angus. Though they ride fast, they're definitely not in a hurry to get anywhere, probably because they have 6-month visas to use up.

What struck me today was really the variety of scenery in Yellowstone, from Geyser-basin hellscapes to dense old forests, young forests with pine trees about my height, burnt forests, large canyons, and sweeping vistas of rivers, lakes, meadows, and more. The thermal areas, with bubbling mudpits, rotten sulfur smells, steaming caves, and exploding geysers really justify the old explorer's name for the place: Colter's Hell, a joking, dismissive reference to John Colter's early descriptions of the place. He was known to tell tall tales, so no one believed him about it at the time.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to give a shoutout to Wilcoxson's fudge bars, which are both the price and size that I believe fudge bars should be: $1 and maybe 8" long. They've fueled my ride through Yellowstone. Here's hoping that they'll sponsor me.

Some images in no particular order:

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