Monday, June 13, 2016

Redeparture - Day 19, Missoula to Darby

The New Yorkers left Missoula yesterday, and today I got a late start on my quest to catch up with them. Historically I’ve been a lot faster than them, but that might change now that they sent half their stuff home. I’m also currently spending a couple hours in Sula to write every blog entry since Lewiston, which isn’t helping the chase. I did, however, spend a good 8 miles or so keeping pace with a Trans-America race participant, so that probably helped my time.

On a tip from Chris, I stopped in Hamilton to try a burger from Nap’s Grill. It was delicious but also huge, which turned out to be a bad thing. I could hardly move when I left the place, and only made it to Darby, about 60 miles, when I had hoped to push for Sula, which is a little farther and higher. I stealth-camped outside a fishing access at the top of a low cliff over the Bitterroot River, which is very fast-flowing and provided some pleasant white noise for the night. Of course, I didn't think to take a picture. This was also the first night that it has been cold enough for me to really appreciate my 20-degree sleeping bag.

Here's a large rural Montana store:

Here's a sign that some local kids had put up for the Trans-America bike race. It's not for me, but I signed it anyway.

Finally, it's not easy to read, but here's a billboard I saw that doesn't appear to be advertising anything besides the human quality of grit. It features John Wayne saying that he doesn't "much like quitters, son."


  1. Love the blog Dave. Enjoy the adventure.

    KC Jim

  2. Oh noooooo! Those things are like bricks

    1. Animal bricks. Flesh bricks. If you built something with them, that thing would be made of corpse chunks. Meat is pretty metal.
