Monday, June 13, 2016

Idle hands - Day 18, still Missoula

I also did nothing today. Continue dealing with it.

I went to a farmer's market in the morning, bought a cookie, and then stayed with Other Ari today, who mentioned that she hadn’t really hung out with Other Other Ari, though she thought they had a lot in common. She mentioned a quote from a TV show that I forget: “I thought you were Asian Me, but it turned out that I’m just Caucasian You”. I forgot to get her opinion on whether she was Good Ari or Evil Ari.

Anyway, Ari made a tray of delicious granola bars for my trip and we talked about UCSC stuff. I also got to officially meet her boyfriend Chris, with whom I am now Steam friends. Steam is an online gaming platform, so I expect that Steam friends will be important once I’m surrounded by corn living in Urbana-Champaign, IL.

Here's a dopey quail from the farmer's market:

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